Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ein montat spater...

Sorry, took me 1 month to update. That is due to, quite frankly, laziness.

So, for the last 2 weeks I have had no school. Here in Switzerland, they give you a special break for skiing and snowboarding. Isn't that fascinating? In this beautiful land of alps and "tons of snow". Except, where I live, we do not get too much. About 2 weeks ago, we had a lot of snow, but now, it is surely melting away from the sun. I am ready for spring.

A crazy thing about Switzerland is that they celebrate Fasnacht (aka Carnaval) here intensely. Tomorrow, I am going to Basel (a town close to Germany's boarder) to celebrate fasnacht with some of the other exchange students. If you go to fasnacht, you should dress up as something (like halloween).. and I am dressing up as a clown. It begins 4 am in the morning, and continues throughout the week. You go, dress up, through confetti, listen to crazy music from bands, and watch parades in the street of people dressed up funny , playing music.

After monday, school starts again.

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