Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
lil glowing specs of light.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Words of wisdom that I should remember.
Friday, September 10, 2010
one night to be confused, one night to speed up truth.
- find a new side of oly I have never been acquainted with
- learn some chords and songs on guitar
- do well in school
- figure out next year (Uni? Volunteering? Traveling? City year in another state? Americorp? South Ameircaaaaaa!?)... I just want warmth. And to be with someone who warms my heart.
- work out, in ways to make me happy. start dancing more! Ballet again? Yoga, Hot yoga!!
- Farming!!! I don't care where, I just wanna!
- Read, please.
- be wonderful and loving to all around me.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
fill my cup with tea.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
my diversity.

My life is filled with different shades of colors and textures. There is a strip of yellow, flowing out towards each human, representing openness and warmth. Soft and light, because I believe that everyone is equal and there is no separation. Each friend that I have had, has effected me and created a different texture into my life, and I have created friendship from a variety of interesting people from all over the world. From the deep blue designs in my eyes, give out passion, passion to travel, grow, and meet new people. I am open to diverse experiences. These simple experiences of the places I visited, touching sand in Rio to meditating in the thai buddhist temples has opened my heart to accept others just the way they are and to come together as one people. This blue is not smooth, it is bumpy, because, these bumps have shaped me. I was an exchange student for a year in Switzerland. When I wanted to become an exchange student, my first country choice was Argentina, but my Rotary district chose Switzerland instead. I came to Switzerland not knowing a single word of german, understanding and giving a whole new life experience to the saying ‘when one door closes, another one opens’. To me, “Fearless” is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. To me, fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is me going to Switzerland. It has bumps, although, it is these bumps that make it incredible, and totally shaping my life, and growing in ways I never thought where possible. Green is the color of my favorite sweater that shrunk in the washing machine. It allows me to realize that everything changes, seasons change, sweaters shrink, but life goes on, and it doesn’t stop for everyone. I am here to live, before it is too late. That is my goal in life, and I cannot fail that.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
oooh !

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
weit weg
I am back home.. bout a month now.
Monday, June 7, 2010
what i feel.
You look darkly on the day
With memories to light your way
A little sad but it's all right
We are always living in twilight
No one knocks upon your door
Until you don't care anymore
A little alone but it's all right
We are always living in twilight
Living in a dream, walking in between the sunrise and sunset
Living in a dream, walking in between sunset and sunrise
You get tied up in your day, so I let go and walk away
And now we're loose ends of the night
We are always living in twilight
So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do
Have a drink the sky is sinking toward a deeper blue
And you're still all right
Step out into twilight
So I stumble home at night
Like I've stumbled through my life
With ghosts and visions in my sight
We are always living in twilight
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I cant believe myself.
2, 2 2 2 2 short short months.
things have changed, imensely. i can't even spell anymore.
someone very very important left to go home to buenos aires yesterday. and i betrayed my best friend for this person, what am i doing to screw things up so much? not being honest with myself.
i learned the most important thing is honesty. really. swiss people are so honest. I am not, I dont telll people the truth trying not to hurt them but in the end it hurts them 100 times more. Everyone, learn from my mistakes, be honest.
the future freaks me out , going home, trrying to make things work. I want to go to buenos aires , but will it work? If not, spscc for me. Which was what I truly wanted to be totally honest. I miss living with my family, and going to the co op to get some lovely food. A little house would be better, where all I could do is bike to everywhere I go. I would like to learn an instrument. I would like some warm weather everyday. I just feel, I duno, confused?
I am just in my little world of Switzerland, away from the rest of you. After 9 months and still here, and honestly it feels good. Freeing. I have been so so so long on my own I can undestand what truly matters. Success doesn't, but this does. Life, living, learning, evolving. The journey is what makes me happy. Not the end.
I dont update this blog enough, because, it puts me under a magnifine glass. You read what I write but it doesnt say or come close to explaining anything about my year here. It doesnt do its justice. I am lost of words, always lost. I just feel so misunderstood.
I feel like going to a real university would be not a wise choice right now. I dont know what I want to do, its pricy, and I need to explore and understand myself more.
When he left, I just sat there, and we didn't cry. I just stood there, and waited. No tears. Does this mean something? Without this year, I would cry. I am learning love without attatchment.Letting go and surrendering to life. Not being so dependent on people anymore to fill my love tank.
1 more month of school.
1 and a half weeks more of travel to austria, italy, and prague.
2 more months left.
100 goodbyes.
100 hellos.
1 year of something undescribable.
learning. growing. living.
thats all that matters.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
HA HA HA HA this is a joke.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Youknow, there is so much to be thankful for.