Friday, September 18, 2009


Ahh, the joys of school, and being new. 

My first week of school has been well, besides not understanding hardly anything in classes and the struggle to express myself. But, all in good time, all in good time. 

People are so nice though, my classmates are very welcoming and are always there to help. Yesterday a girl from my class invited me to come to her house to eat lunch with her family, but I couldn't because I had Art. Here there are these crazy long mid day pauses, you have enough time to go home and eat lunch with your family, it is quite nice. I choose to stay at school, and eat here with friends, because my host mother packs me a lunch. Food here is wonderful as well!!! I just cannot explain, yoghurt in Switzerland tastes so much better. Also, the breads. 

My class schedual is a tad bit insane. I have Art, which very nice, and relaxing, but in one of my art classes I have to do a project about an American artist all in German. A tad bit frightening. I also have physics (a just sit there, and practice German, I have no clue what goes on most of the time at all, because I have never taken Physics before). I have Mathematics, which is Alegbra 2, and I can kind of follow.. sense I have already taken it. English class is so fun here, everyone speaking English is so cute to hear. We play fun games together, and I help them with their english and they help me with my German. It is a good lesson. I also take a music class, which is great. The whole class sings together and it is a great bonding moment. Even if people arn't great at singing, people sing out. No one cares here, no one judges you. I am also taking a dance class at school, which is fun. It is a mix between hip hop and jazz. It is a nice break to have during the day just to dance around and laugh with swiss people haha. Other classes I have are, Chemistry, German, and some sort of History about Switzerland and the Kantons and such. pretty interesting.

This weekend I am going to visit my friend Magi in the french part of Switzerland. Magi is a au pair now and she is living there for the year. She is from Seattle, and went to Switzerland for 2007-2008 as an exchange student. 

Today at school I have German and Art, then I am off to the train station and then I will see her and celebrate her birthday with her on Saturday!

But, I forgot to mention I also have a 3 week break after today. So, I will get time to travel around here in Der Schweiz. Tschus!!

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