My life is filled with different shades of colors and textures. There is a strip of yellow, flowing out towards each human, representing openness and warmth. Soft and light, because I believe that everyone is equal and there is no separation. Each friend that I have had, has effected me and created a different texture into my life, and I have created friendship from a variety of interesting people from all over the world. From the deep blue designs in my eyes, give out passion, passion to travel, grow, and meet new people. I am open to diverse experiences. These simple experiences of the places I visited, touching sand in Rio to meditating in the thai buddhist temples has opened my heart to accept others just the way they are and to come together as one people. This blue is not smooth, it is bumpy, because, these bumps have shaped me. I was an exchange student for a year in Switzerland. When I wanted to become an exchange student, my first country choice was Argentina, but my Rotary district chose Switzerland instead. I came to Switzerland not knowing a single word of german, understanding and giving a whole new life experience to the saying ‘when one door closes, another one opens’. To me, “Fearless” is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. To me, fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is me going to Switzerland. It has bumps, although, it is these bumps that make it incredible, and totally shaping my life, and growing in ways I never thought where possible. Green is the color of my favorite sweater that shrunk in the washing machine. It allows me to realize that everything changes, seasons change, sweaters shrink, but life goes on, and it doesn’t stop for everyone. I am here to live, before it is too late. That is my goal in life, and I cannot fail that.